Grain Measure

The bronze sculpture of an empty grain measure in the churchyard at Kiihtelysvaara is a memorial to the victims of the 1864-1868 famine. Kiihtelysvaara county lost many souls to the famine – 550 persons died in the spring of 1865 alone.

The memorial represents the empty hands of a child, an adult and an old person reaching for food. But the grain measure is empty.

Eronen also sculpted another memorial for the victims of famine, an image of a broken wheat sheaf, sculpted in bronze and located in Tohmajärvi county, also in eastern Karelia.

Bronze on black granite pedestal.

About the artwork

Theme(s): Abstract, History, Homeland
Material(s): Bronze, Granite
Art form(s): Sculpture
Object type(s): Freestanding object


Exhibit Number: 59
Date: 1974
Height: 150 cm


Related works of the art form: Sculpture