Singing Angels

Eronen’s aunt was a talented pianist who accompanied famous singers. Once she played with the opera singer Pia Ravenna at an event where she caught a Spanish fever. She was taken to hospital and died prematurely. The funeral was held at her home, the Otrakkala estate in Karelia. Three choirs and a brass band performed at the ceremony. The two hymns that were heard would always remain poignant for the Eronen family. The funeral was a heart-breaking experience, especially for a toddler, which Erkki was.

The sculpture ‘Singing Angels’ arose from his memory of the feeling created by the three choirs and the brass band, which he associated with the expression ‘To sing like an angel’. The three choirs form the angels’ wings which merge into a single form that opens up to the skies.

Though Eronen was a small child when his aunt died, her example was important to him. She was a professional pianist, who supported young Finnish artists, one of them being the well-known Jalmari Ruokokoski.

About the artwork

Theme(s): Religion
Material(s): Bronze, Polished Bronze
Art form(s): Sculpture
Object type(s): Freestanding object


Exhibit Number: 7
Variation Number: 1
Date: 1977
Height: 40 cm

Related works of the art form: Sculpture